The second "Lutheranism and the Classics" conference at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind. (Sept. 28–29, 2012) presents an opportunity to consider what the wisdom and literature of the ancient past can contribute to Christian faith and life today. CPH editor Dr. Benjamin Mayes will be at the conference, and looks forward to meeting you. E-mail him at if you'd like to schedule a meeting.
CPH authors presenting research papers in the conference include: - Dr. Carl P. E. Springer, translator for Luther's Works: American Edition, will present on "Bach's Latin."
- Dr. William C. Weinrich, author of the upcoming Concordia Commentary on John, will present "The Virtuous Anger of God: Lactantius' De ira dei in Conversation with the Philosophy of the Third Century."
- Dr. Joseph Herl, editor of the upcoming LSB Hymnal Companion, will present "Gregorian Chant in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Lutheranism."
- Rev. Wade R. Johnston, translator for Luther's Works: American Edition, will present "Spare the Rod, Hate the Child."
- Dr. Thomas Korcok, author of Lutheran Education: From Wittenberg to the Future, will present "Master Müntzer! 10 Minutes in the Naughty Corner for Failing Your Logic Test."
- Dr. Benjamin T. G. Mayes, editor of Johann Gerhard's Theological Commonplaces and managing editor of Luther's Works: American Edition, will present "Johann Gerhard on the Authority of the Early Church Fathers."
- Dr. Franz Posset, author of The Real Luther: A Friar at Erfurt and Wittenberg, will present "The Disputation between Athanasius and Arius: Luther's First Reading Assignment while a Novice in the Augustinian Friary of Erfurt."
- Dr. Jason R. Soenksen, author of the upcoming Concordia Commentary on Micah, will present "Interpreting the Speaker of the Text: Homeric Scholarship and the Fathers and Luther on Psalms."
- Rev. Joshua J. Hayes, assistant editor of Johann Gerhard's Theological Commonplaces, will present "The Muses Play David's Cithara: Helius Eobanus Hessus' Latin Versification of the Psalter."
- Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie, author of LifeLight: 1,2,3 John and LifeLight Foundations: Ministry, will present "Only by Maintaining Luther's Languages Can We Retain the Authentic Luther."
LUTHERANISM & THE CLASSICS II: READING THE CHURCH FATHERS September 28-29, 2012 Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, Indiana Although the fathers of the church occasionally erred, Lutherans have always had the highest regard for such ancient teachers as, e.g., Augustine, Jerome and Chrysostom, as well as the old Lutheran theologians Chemnitz, Hunnius, Selnecker, Calov and others. Concordia Theological Seminary is pleased, therefore, to offer the second Lutheranism and the Classics Conference under the theme, "Reading the Church Fathers." The conference features three plenary papers, a banquet address and 20 sectional presenters on the Reformation-era reception of the Latin/Greek fathers, classical authors, ancient Christian hymnody, cultivation of neo-Latin and pedagogy. Latin will be used in three worship settings. The presentation by Joanna Hensley is intended especially for classical educators and homeschoolers. The conference celebrates Lutheranism's engagement with the church's greatest teachers of the past and to their value for the propagation of the faith to present and future generations.
For more information, see the conference website. |