Monday, August 27, 2012

FW: [Sturm] The Seven Liberal Arts



From: [] On Behalf Of Joel A. Brondos
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 9:06 AM
To: Sturm@yahoogroups. Com
Subject: [Sturm] The Seven Liberal Arts



From David L. Wagner's florilegium, "The Seven Liberal Arts in the
Middle Ages," (p. 60)

"In the schoolboys' mnemonic encapsulating the functions of the seven
arts, grammar is given the first place:

Gram loquitur;
Dia vera docet;
Rhet verba colorat;
Mus canit;
Ar numerat;
Ge ponderat;
Ast colit astra.

Grammar speaks;
dialectic teaches truth;
rhetoric adorns words;
music sings;
arithmetic counts;
geometry measures;
astronomy studies stars."

The techne divided into the verbal arts (trivium) and the mathematical
arts (quadrivium), and from the earliest days there were already
discussions around two camps which debated: Is the world ordered and
regular or irregular and untidy, according to convention (nomo) or
nature (physei)? This book is one of my favorites for delving into an
understanding of the background and history of the liberal arts.


The goal of education is a wise and eloquent piety.
